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Pagely Sync: Make Quick Copies of Your WordPress Site

For quick, one-time copies of your WordPress site, we have a proprietary tool called Pagely Sync. It’s a command line utility we wrote to make it easy to clone your site to a staging environment on your Pagely VPS. It saves you the time from tediously importing and exporting sites manually.

Using Pagely Sync

Pagely Sync can create a copy of established sites to a new instance or overwrite old copies on the destination application. These are designed to clone the site exactly as it is on the source application. So it will sync/import a copy of the source files and database entirely from one site to the target site, overwriting any pre-existing target database.

File syncs are bi-directional using a PHP-based wrapper, the database is uni-directional to allow users to quickly clone, or duplicate an instance. If you’re seeking to merge changes back to the master install, or push changes live, a Git-based workflow will suit you best.

Is Staging Available on All Plans?

Yes, all of our VPS hosting plans support staging with a predefined limit of the number of installs you can run on your web server. Note: we don’t distinguish how you should utilize these “slots” — we let you choose how you’d like to use those.

Find our features and resource allotments showcased in our plan comparison matrix.

For more repetitive or multisite cloning, our Pagely Clone Tool offers more advanced functionality to better accommodate those granular settings included with those heftier installations.

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