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Will UTM Parameters In the Query String Break Cache?

No — not at Pagely.

UTM parameters are tags that are applied on the end of your website URL. For example, you may see something like example.com/product?utm_source=. The purpose of UTM parameters is to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign promotions, whether you are driving traffic from your Facebook page, email marketing, or something else. This information is sent to an analytics service you are using, like Google Analytics, to modify your approach to meet your business goals.

At Pagely, we have sophisticated NGINX caching rules that will recognize commonly-used variables in the query string — such as UTM parameters — to ensure that these pages cache in spite of those parameters. We are able to modify custom caching rules for your instance as well upon request to prevent a “cache miss”. This technology is folded into the specialized stack we built specifically for WordPress.

We also allow you to customize how these parameters are dealt with on a site-by-site basis.

NGINX is a valued customer of ours, previously facing serious hosting challenges before joining the Pagely customer family. Check out the NGINX case study to learn more!

Without the ability to cache these UTM tags, your VPS resources can get eaten up quickly, upping your need for additional hardware and consequentially, your hosting bill. Learn how we use our PressCACHE™ service to maximize the performance and scalability of your WordPress environment.

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