Understanding Collaborator Roles

Now that you understand what collaborators are and why they're important, let's take a moment to learn about the permissions that are associated with different collaborator roles.

Here's a list of the different roles available and the permissions associated with each role.

ActionAccount OwnerSuper-AdminSub-AdminTechBillingApp-OnlyApp-Only-Minimal
Manage account
Create Admin users
Manage Billing/Tech users
Manage site-level users
Manage account 2-factor authentication
Force 2-factor authentication
Manage sites
Manage their own SSH/SFTP keys
SFTP into sites
Access backups
Manage aliases
SSH into VPS servers
Manage billing details
Manage plan and addons
See billing information
See plan and addon details
See all tickets
Submit tickets
See their own tickets
Access live chat
Manage PressDNS
Manage PressCDN
Manage SSL
Manage maintenance windows
Access database admin
See the log viewer


It's crucial to understand which roles are available to you and to choose the role that best fits the actions that the collaborator needs to perform. When it's time to add a new collaborator, you'll want to select a role that gives them enough access to perform their duties, while restricting access to things that they don't need.

For example, if you have a developer on your team that needs to make changes to various technical aspects of your Pagely account, but doesn't need to change things like billing information, the Tech role is generally the right choice. On the flip-side, what if a member of your accounting department needs to view invoices or manage billing details from time to time? The Billing role allows them to access invoices and other accounting-related information, without the risk of accidental changes that could impact the reliability of your sites.

Now that you have an understanding of collaborator roles and the permissions associated with them, you're ready to continue to the next section, where you'll learn how to add a new collaborator to your Pagely account.