How to Increase Performance of Your Website and Improve Search Results

How to Increase Performance of Your Website and Improve Search Results

Were you aware that a delay in page load time by one second can result in 7% fewer conversions? Site performance is crucial in today’s competitive online landscape. A slow website frustrates visitors, increases bounce rates, and damages search rankings. Google has been prioritizing speed as a major ranking factor for both mobile and desktop websites since 2018. With new metrics and advancements in technology, it is more important than ever to optimize your site for performance. Here is an up-to-date guide on how best to do it.

Importance of Site Performance

Site performance directly affects user engagement. More than half of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than three seconds to load. Google now uses loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability as part of its ranking criteria through Core Web Vitals. These metrics aim to make the web faster by promoting sites with better reliability. Enhanced site performance leads to increased revenue, better user experience, and higher search rankings.

Explained Core Web Vitals

Google’s Core Web Vitals are a set of specific factors considered crucial in a webpage’s overall user experience. They focus on three primary aspects:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP measures the time taken for the largest content element on a page to load fully. This could be an image, a video, or a block of text. A good score for LCP should be under 2.5 seconds.

  • Example: Imagine visiting a site, and the main banner image takes forever to load. Users are likely to leave before the page even completes loading.

First Input Delay (FID)

FID measures the time from when a user first interacts with a page (like clicking a link or button) to the time when the browser responds to that interaction. A good FID score should be less than 100 milliseconds.

  • Example: If a user clicks a button and nothing happens for a second or two, they might get frustrated and leave the site.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS quantifies the visual stability issues caused by unexpected movement during the rendering phases of webpages. A good score for CLS should be below 0.1.

  • Example: If the layout shifts unexpectedly, users might end up clicking the wrong buttons or links, leading to a frustrating experience.

Tools for Benchmarking and Performance

Before diving into optimization, you need to understand your current performance. Several tools can help you benchmark and identify areas for improvement:

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights analyzes your site’s performance on both desktop and mobile devices. It provides detailed reports and specific recommendations for improvement. This tool is essential for anyone looking to enhance their site’s speed and overall user experience. You can access it here.


GTmetrix offers an in-depth analysis of your website’s performance. It uses Google’s Lighthouse and Web Vitals metrics to provide a comprehensive performance grade. The tool also includes a waterfall breakdown and various performance insights that can help you pinpoint issues. Visit GTmetrix to get started.


Pingdom allows you to monitor your site speed by testing from different locations worldwide. It provides suggestions for reducing load time and offers features like uptime monitoring and real user monitoring. Check it out here.


WebPageTest enables a thorough evaluation of website speeds through filmstrip views and waterfall charts among other features. This tool allows you to test your site from multiple locations and browsers, giving you a holistic view of performance. Start using WebPageTest.


Integrated into Chrome DevTools, Lighthouse provides insights not just on performance, but also on SEO, best practices, accessibility, and more. This makes it a versatile tool for improving various aspects of your website. You can access Lighthouse directly from the Chrome browser by opening DevTools (F12 or right-click and select “Inspect”), then navigating to the “Lighthouse” tab.

Advanced Strategies for Better Performance

When it comes to optimizing your website’s performance, employing advanced strategies can make a world of difference. Let’s geek out on some of the most effective methods to ensure your site runs at peak efficiency and keeps both users and search engines happy.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can significantly reduce latency by distributing your content across multiple servers located around the globe. This way, users load your website from a server nearest to them, reducing load times. Popular CDNs like Cloudflare or AWS CloudFront can dramatically improve your website’s performance. At Pagely, our managed WordPress hosting solutions integrate seamlessly with CDNs to ensure fast and reliable content delivery.

Server-Side Caching

Server-side caching is another powerful technique to enhance website performance. By storing frequently accessed data in memory-based storage systems such as Varnish, Redis, or Memcached, you can lower server load and improve response times. For optimal performance, consider Pagely’s managed WordPress hosting, which incorporates these advanced caching solutions to keep your site running smoothly.

Optimization of Images

Images often take up a large portion of a webpage’s load time. To mitigate this, you should:

  • Use modern image formats like WebP, which offer better compression without loss of quality.
  • Compress images to reduce their file size.
  • Implement lazy loading to defer offscreen image loading, thereby improving initial load times.

Tools like WP Smush Pro can automate the compression process, making it easier to handle image optimization. Lazy loading is particularly useful for pages with many images, as it prioritizes loading only the images that are currently visible to the user.

Minimize HTTP Requests

Reducing the number of HTTP requests your site makes can significantly improve load times. Here are a few methods to achieve this:

  • Concatenation: Combine multiple CSS or JavaScript files into a single file.
  • Minification: Remove unnecessary characters from code, such as spaces and comments.

For example, using a plugin like WP Rocket can automate both concatenation and minification, streamlining your optimization efforts. By reducing the number and size of files that need to be loaded, you can make your site faster and more efficient.

Activate HTTP/3

The latest version of the HTTP protocol, HTTP/3, offers better performance and enhanced security features compared to its predecessor, HTTP/2. HTTP/3 reduces latency by using the QUIC protocol, which makes connections faster and more reliable. Make sure your hosting provider supports HTTP/3 to take advantage of these improvements. With Pagely’s secure WordPress hosting solutions, you can ensure that your site benefits from the latest in web technology.

Adopt JAMstack Architecture

JAMstack architecture decouples the front-end from back-end components, serving static assets through CDNs. This approach enhances loading times and boosts security. JAMstack is particularly beneficial for websites with high traffic volumes, as it can handle large numbers of simultaneous users without compromising performance. If you’re considering this architecture, Pagely’s high availability hosting solutions can provide the necessary infrastructure to support your needs.

Browser Caching

Enabling browser caching allows you to store parts of your website in a user’s browser, so they don’t have to reload the entire page with each visit. This dramatically improves load times for returning visitors. You can set expiration dates for various file types using tools like .htaccess. For example, you could set images to cache for a month while more frequently updated files like CSS or JavaScript have shorter expiration periods.

Asynchronous Loading

Loading JavaScript files asynchronously can prevent them from blocking other content on the page, leading to faster load times. You can achieve this by adding async or defer attributes to your script tags. This way, the browser can continue rendering the page while the scripts load in the background. Implementing asynchronous loading can make a noticeable difference in how quickly your pages become interactive, keeping your visitors engaged.

Use a Lightweight Theme

Choosing a lightweight theme can also impact your site’s performance. Heavy themes with lots of built-in features and scripts can slow down your website. Opt for a theme that is optimized for speed, and only use the features and plugins that are absolutely necessary. This can help reduce bloat and improve load times.

Optimize Your Database

Database optimization can also contribute to improved site performance. Over time, your WordPress database can become cluttered with unnecessary data like post revisions, spam comments, and transients. Cleaning up your database and optimizing its tables can speed up query execution and reduce load times. Plugins like WP-Optimize can help automate this process, making it easier to maintain a lean and efficient database.

Leverage Compression

Applying compression techniques to your website’s files can significantly reduce their size, leading to faster load times. Gzip and Brotli are two popular compression methods that can be enabled on your server. These compress your files before sending them to the browser, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred.

Choose the Right Hosting Provider

A reliable hosting provider is foundational for website performance. Look for managed hosting services that offer built-in optimization features, robust security measures, and expert support. Pagely provides a range of hosting solutions tailored to meet the needs of different types of websites, from small blogs to large enterprise sites. With features like:

Regular Monitoring and Updates

We actively monitor your server’s overall health, ensuring your web server and PHP runtime are operational and responsive. We keep an eye on key indicators like backup freshness, disk space, and successful WP-Cron execution. When events occur, our team interprets them and reaches out via ticket with concise summaries.

You can request site-specific uptime monitoring when your site goes live. This service checks if WordPress initializes properly, connects to the database, and verifies the object cache’s functionality. A a /pagely/status/ endpoint is available for each site that bypasses caching and provides vital health information.

While we thoroughly monitor your VPS’s overall health, you’re welcome to set up additional checks for added visibility. Our 24/7 incident response team handles any alerts from our managed uptime monitoring. If we spot an issue, we’ll contact you with details on the problem and any steps we’ve taken to resolve it in order to bring your site back online.

Advanced CDN Integration

Pagely’s PressCDN layer is designed to cache static assets at the network edge, ensuring quicker load times. By leveraging AWS CloudFront as the backbone, it integrates seamlessly with your Pagely WordPress hosting. With an expanding network of 200 global points of presence, PressCDN delivers your content more efficiently with superior reach and faster rendering times.

Take it a step further by enabling Mercury, our full site acceleration (FSA) service, which offers substantial speed improvements for long-distance traffic. This service leverages enhanced routing via Amazon’s vast private network, leading to fewer hops. This ensures your users experience quicker load times and a smoother interaction with your site, all while keeping bandwidth expenses in check.

Proven Security Strategy

Our InfoSec team ensures maximum security for your data and applications with comprehensive measures and AWS Shield Standard. Our security features include a Web Application Firewall, DDoS protection, automated malware scanning, email filtering, 2FA, intrusion prevention, 24/7 monitoring, SSL certificates, and continuous security patching.

Utilizing Amazon EC2 instances, we provide isolated, containerized environments, ensuring dedicated resources for each client. Our incident response program includes thorough identification, remediation, ongoing monitoring, and detailed follow-up reports. Regular audits and proactive maintenance by our core InfoSec staff further enhance security.


Optimizing your website’s performance requires a multi-faceted approach, incorporating various tools and techniques. From using a CDN and server-side caching to optimizing images and enabling browser caching, each strategy plays a crucial role in enhancing speed and user experience. Additionally, adopting modern protocols like HTTP/3, leveraging JAMstack architecture, and choosing the right hosting provider can further elevate your site’s performance.

For tailored solutions and expert support, consider Pagely’s managed WordPress hosting. Our comprehensive services ensure that your website not only meets but exceeds performance expectations. For more information or personalized assistance, visit the Pagely Support and Knowledge Base.

By implementing these advanced strategies, you can ensure that your website remains fast, responsive, and competitive in search rankings, providing an excellent experience for your users.

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