Pagely Platform Integrations



Deploy WordPress Sites with CircleCI Orbs & Pagely

Integrate Circle CI with Pagely

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Deploying your WordPress site from CircleCI is a breeze with Pagely’s CircleCI deployment orb. Whether you’re starting fresh or deploying from an existing CircleCI workflow, our integration handles all of the heavy lifting for you.

Eliminate Deployment Complexity

While most WordPress deployment workflows involve transferring files over SFTP or adding another Git repository into the mix, our CircleCI integration ensures seamless, reliable, and secure deployments.

Why fumble around with setting up a bunch of complex commands if you don’t have to?

Secure Credentials

Our CircleCI integration uses authentication tokens that are generated on a per-app, per-integration basis. This means that your credentials can only be used for deploying to the destination you specify, and can be regenerated at any time.

Effortless Sanity Checking

Automatically Deploying Your WordPress Site with CircleCI

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