Migrating to WordPress

Migrating to WordPress

We bring you top-tier services and solutions. Count on Mindsize for a smooth transition to WordPress with seamless execution.

Effortlessly switch to WordPress with expert assistance. Mindsize’s managed migration service guarantees a hassle-free transition overseen by experienced professionals.


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The Pagely & Mindsize Digital Transformation

Together, we bring a new era of website advancement. Our collaboration combines a wide range of resources, tools, and knowledge from the WordPress community. This united front guarantees unmatched assistance and creativity for enhancing your digital footprint.

Migrating to WordPress

Fueling over 43% of the online world, WordPress remains a driving force of digital advancement. This dynamic platform enables users to unleash their creativity and bring their ideas to life effortlessly. With WordPress, creating a website with scalability in mind is a breeze, thanks to its customizable features and intuitive Content Management System. WordPress seamlessly accommodates your needs, whether you prefer a minimalist approach or delve into full-stack development possibilities.

Ready to make the switch to WordPress? With Umbraco and other CMS platforms reaching their end-of-life in 2024, now is the perfect time to migrate. Our collaborations with leading WordPress service providers guarantee a smooth and hassle-free transition for your website.

Why Migrate?

Simplify Your Website Management with WordPress

One of the top reasons why individuals switch to WordPress is the ease of use and management it offers.

Gone are the days of dealing with static HTML sites that require logging into servers, downloading files, editing code, and re-uploading for even the smallest updates. With WordPress, tasks as simple as editing text or links across multiple pages become effortless. If you can navigate Microsoft Word, you can navigate WordPress – it’s that user-friendly.

Achieve Design Consistency and Cohesion

During website migrations, it’s common to encounter design inconsistencies across pages. Whether it’s a minor coding error or a pasting mishap, these discrepancies can impact the overall user experience.

By creating a WordPress template based on your existing design, you can ensure uniformity throughout your site. Templates streamline the design process, eliminating worries about logos being the wrong size or typos in the menu – every page maintains a polished and professional look.

Access a Vast Array of Plugins

WordPress boasts a vast library of plugins that allow you to easily enhance your site with new features and functionalities. From forms to search tools, the possibilities are endless.

Unlike static HTML sites that require resourcefulness or custom coding for additional functionalities, WordPress offers a plugin for almost anything you can imagine. The ability to expand and customize your site is at your fingertips.

Prepare for Future Redesigns with Ease

Even if you’re not ready for a complete website redesign upon migrating to WordPress, the platform simplifies the process for when you are ready.

With your content stored in a database and managed through WordPress, updating your site’s design is a breeze. Once you’ve developed a new template, implementing it is as straightforward as flipping a switch. Mass changes and redesigns become much more manageable with WordPress’s centralized control over content and design.

Enhance Your SEO Efforts

WordPress comes equipped with built-in SEO optimization tools, making it easier to enhance your site’s visibility on search engines like Google.

Utilizing plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast and following WordPress-specific SEO tutorials can help you fine-tune your content for better search engine rankings. While achieving great SEO is possible with static HTML sites, WordPress offers more options, guidance, and automation, reducing the manual effort required for optimization.



We are the original WooCommerce scaling and performance experts. With our help store owners have been able to grow their business without having to re-build their website or re-platform to another solution.

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Website Maintenance & Support

Website Maintenance & Support

Stop worrying about plugin updates that might break your website, or if your customers are able to place orders online. We take care of your technology so you don’t have to.

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Managed Website Migration

Managed Website Migration

From personal or small business websites, to large websites, to complex business applications, we can build your website in WordPress from any database or API.

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Want to know more?

Let us know what questions you have and we’ll set up a complimentary consultation to discuss how Pagely can bring your website to the next level.