Announcing the Ultimate in Big Data Storage

Announcing the Ultimate in Big Data Storage: Pagely® and U-Haul™ join forces to deliver new cloud data storage service.

Big data storage is no joke. A lot goes into choosing the right company that can scale while providing a durable and secure environment. Here at Pagely, our team unanimously agreed that a partnership with the largest storage company, U-Haul™ made perfect sense.


Some of U-Haul’s offerings sealed the deal for us. It was a no-brainer. They offer scalable storage. You can store your big data in a unit the size of a small closet or even as large as a 3 car garage. Still not big enough? No problem. On any given day, most of U-Haul’s worldwide storage units are located directly under clouds. Here’s where it gets interesting. Content is teleported from the actual storage unit into the cloud above. It’s like beam me up Scotty data-style. No clouds? No problem. U-Haul also has secure trucks that can backup and distribute content between storage units. They drive really fast with an excellent safety record and the storage is very durable. We’re talking brick and mortar. It will stand up to attacks and there’s disaster recovery in place too.

Sometimes its hard to believe that disaster recovery can take place in a facility that offers the cloud since many natural disasters include clouds but it’s best to start at the source. Where there’s clouds, there’s sometimes electricity. You can even store static websites. If all of this doesn’t excite you, as an extra bonus, we have hired and trained staff to go out to your storage unit and analyze and catalog its content. On demand data import just does not get any better then this. Include’s a dozen packing blankets, free with each order.

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