Category: SEO

  • Featured Image - 8 Fundamental WordPress SEO Tips for Agencies

    8 Fundamental WordPress SEO Tips for Agencies

    You’ve built a beautiful, custom site for your client leveraging WordPress’ unique capabilities. The client is ecstatic about their new site and the feedback they’re receiving from customers is positive. But what happens when your client looks to you to help boost their organic search rank? It’s important to be equipped with the top WordPress…

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  • 3 Reasons Why Making Your Site Multilingual Could Improve Your SEO

    3 Reasons Why Making Your Site Multilingual Could Improve Your SEO

    Introduction to Multilingual Websites and SEO There are a number of benefits to translating your website’s text. For instance, it increases your potential audience, can help increase your conversions, and it even offers a boost to your site’s accessibility. However, those are far from the only advantages offered by a multilingual site. One often overlooked…

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  • Unleashing the Power of WordPress Plugins

    Introduction: Today, we are diving into the exciting realm of WordPress plugins. We will touch on the advantages of using multiple plugins and showcase some essential picks for new client websites. So, batten down the hatches, and prepare to take your website-building skills to the next level! The Power of WordPress Plugins: When it comes…

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  • Unleashing the Need for Speed: How Your Hosting Provider Impacts Your WordPress Site’s Performance

    Introduction In the breakneck-speed realm of cyberspace where attention spans are about 8.25 seconds, every millisecond matters. As a web pro, you’re likely aware that the selection of a hosting provider can dramatically impact a WordPress site’s performance. In this blog post, let’s dissect the factors that affect speed, focusing on customer service, support, and…

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  • The 2019 SEO Checklist for Webmasters

    According to Net Market Share, Google is still the search engine leader with 75% of searches made on With that in mind, following their best SEO practices is a good strategy and something all businesses should have on their checklist. This includes optimizing for factors such as mobile friendly pages with a fast page…

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  • How To Set Up WordPress Redirect to Maintain SEO

    Links can be broken for a number of reasons. A 404 page error can be the result of: A typo that leads to the wrong page A page that doesn’t currently exist A page that was removed or transferred to another link Though smart marketers and webmasters create fun and high-converting 404 pages, a “page…

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  • How to Build Quality Backlinks to Your Blog

    While there are hundreds of factors that Google uses to rank a website, backlinks are undoubtedly one of the main building blocks of good Search Engine Optimization. And while it’s a fact that Google makes regular updates to its ranking algorithms and no one can know for sure what Google will do next, high-quality backlinks…

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  • How to Optimize Content for Google News

    In many ways, trying to optimize articles for Google News is the same as trying to optimize content for Google search. In terms of the search algorithm, in both cases, the focus is on quality content and an adherence to certain technical specifications. But a focus on just these high-level considerations won’t help to bring…

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  • 4 High-Quality Yoast SEO Alternatives for WordPress SEO

    When it comes to WordPress SEO plugins, Yoast SEO is the first thing on most WordPress users’ minds. There’s just no arguing with the plugin’s 61 million+ downloads. But while Yoast SEO might be king, that doesn’t mean there aren’t viable Yoast SEO alternatives out there. In this post, we’re going to dig into some…

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