Category: Tips for Developers

  • 8 Questions with WP Site Care’s Ryan Sullivan

    The Pagely 8 Questions series hits a milestone today, with the tenth edition of our WordPress expert interviews. This week we have Ryan Sullivan, the founder of WP Site Care, with us. (Ryan is also a Pagely Brand Ambassador) For those unfamiliar with Ryan’s service, WP Site Care is one of the leading WordPress support…

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  • 8 Questions with WPKube Founder Dev Sharma

    Regular Pagely blog readers will know that every week we interview a big name in the WordPress community. Today it’s the turn of Dev Sharma, one of the most notable young members of the community, and founder of the excellent WPKube resource. Dev has been involved in the WordPress community in some form since the…

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  • 8 Questions with Devin Price of WP Theming

    Welcome back to another edition of Pagely’s 8 Questions series. Every week we’ll be interviewing one of the best known faces in the world of WordPress. Today it’s the turn of developer and all-round WordPress expert, Devin Price. Dev is best known in WordPress circles for his excellent WP Theming website, where you’ll regularly find…

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  • 8 Questions with Bourn Creative’s Jennifer Bourn

    Welcome to this week’s edition of Pagely’s 8 Questions series! Today’s interviewee is the fantastic Jennifer Bourn, the well-respected WordCamp speaker and founder of Bourn Creative. As with last week’s interviewee, Shawn Hesketh, Jennifer worked in graphic design pre-WordPress. Be sure to check out the Bourn Creative website — including Jennifer’s regular contributions to the…

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  • 8 Questions with WP101’s Shawn Hesketh

    Welcome to the sixth edition of Pagely’s 8 Questions series, and today we have none other than Shawn Hesketh, founder of WP101. Shawn is a graphic designer turned WordPress guru, with his fantastic WP101 resource helping hundreds of thousands of WordPress users find their feet. You can find out more about Shawn by visiting his…

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  • 8 Questions with Sucuri Co-founder Tony Perez

    Welcome to the fifth edition of Pagely’s interview series with some of the best known names in the WordPress community. Today, we are fortunate enough to have Sucuri co-founder, and all-round WordPress security expert, Tony Perez. For those unfamiliar, Sucuri is a well-respected website security company, specializing in malware detection, prevention, and cleanup. Tony and…

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  • 8 Questions with WordPress Developer Chris Wiegman

    Today, Pagely was lucky enough to interview 10up’s WordPress big hitter, Chris Wiegman. Chris is probably best known as a WordPress security pioneer, as the developer of the fantastic iThemes Security plugin. He is also a valued member of the WordPress community as a whole, with heavy involvement in a variety of WordPress events. As…

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  • 8 Questions with WPBeginner’s Syed Balkhi

    We have another WordPress big hitter with us today, with Syed Balkhi kindly taking time out from his busy schedule to talk to Pagely. Syed is best known as the founder of the fantastic WPBeginner website — one of the many WordPress resources online, which has helped thousands of new WordPress users find their feet,…

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  • 8 Questions with SIDEKICK’s Ben Fox

    Today I was fortunate enough to interview another well-respected member of the WordPress community, Ben Fox. Ben is a serial WordPress entrepreneur, co-founding FlowPress, WP University, and If you’re looking to forge a career in WordPress for yourself, you should listen to what he has to say carefully. In this interview, Ben will talk…

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  • 8 Questions with Top WordPress Blogger Kevin Muldoon

    Today we launch a new feature for the Pagely blog, with a series of interviews with some of the top members of the WordPress community. Our first interview is with top WordPress blogger, Kevin Muldoon. With a decade and a half’s experience in Internet marketing, Kevin certainly fits the bill. He’s ran many successful websites…

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