Category: Tips for Developers

  • The WordPress Codex: An Invaluable Resource for Better Coding

    WordPress users and developers occasionally run into things that trip them up — this applies not only to novice users but to experienced WordPress developers as well. WordPress does not provide a dedicated support team to field questions or concerns, but their support forum is very helpful and manned by experienced and knowledgeable WordPress volunteers. You…

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  • 8 Questions with WordPress Writer & Developer Rachel Adnyana

    We’re all about spreading the love within the WordPress community. With that, we’re reviving an old practice of ours where we interview folks doing impressive things within WordPress, and share it here on the Pagely blog. This is the first of our revamped interview series, where we spoke with Rachel Adnyana, editor for Design Bombs…

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  • 8 Web Design and Development Tools You Need to Know About

    One of the things many people struggle with at work is making time to find ways to work smarter. It’s not like any of us don’t want to work smarter or faster. It’s just that mentality of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” that has a way of seeping in when we think about…

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  • How to Address Object Injection Vulnerabilities in PHP

    I have been discussing the risks related to PHP Object Injection or insecure usage of unserialize() and how this insecure coding practice is unfortunately very prevalent in the WordPress plugin ecosystem. This post is for plugin (and really any PHP) developers for the purpose to share why you shouldn’t unseralize() data sent from untrusted sources,…

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  • How to use React with the WordPress REST API

    I remember back when I learned how to develop for WordPress, I spent weeks in the Codex, learning the template hierarchy, the template tags, and so on. The Codex was like my Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: they might as well have printed “DON’T PANIC” on the front, because it kept me learning at a…

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  • Advanced CSS: 5 New Methods That You Might Not Know About

    CSS is a great way for web developers to keep style and content separate. You can use it for things like styling block quotes in WordPress, but it can also be so much more than that. In this article, we’ll take a look at five things you can do with advanced CSS that you may…

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  • Narrowing WordPress Search

    One thing you should know about me is that while I’m pretty savvy when it comes to building things for the web today, I’m still pretty new to it. I spent my childhood building theme parks in Roller Coaster Tycoon, not Flash games for Newgrounds. Rather, I gravitated toward web development during the final year…

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  • A Citizen’s Guide to Open Source Communities

    Contributing to open source communities can be a rewarding way to learn, teach, and gain experience in just about any skill imaginable, including code. But getting started, finding an open source project to contribute to, and understanding the etiquette can be a daunting thing when you’re starting out. So much so that an survey…

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  • Centralizing WordPress Code with a Theme Wrapper, Custom Actions and Layout Classes

    I’ve been developing WordPress themes and plugins for the past 6 years, and in that time, I’ve learned a lot about how to efficiently centralize and organize WordPress theme files. For a long time, I thought that using Template Files was the right way to organize my WordPress theme– just whip up a post-type-specific template-file,…

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  • 3 Simple WordPress Security Tips

    We’ve all been enjoying the benefits of WordPress’s popularity. We’re surrounded by beautiful themes, high-powered plugins, and helpful communities. But there’s a dark side to that popularity – it makes WordPress sites an ideal target for hackers around the world. Before going any further, let’s get one thing straight: WordPress, as a site, is secure.…

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