Category: Meet the Team
My Role: Arman Zakaryan
Arman Zakaryan Title: Director of Hosting Operations How I got here: I’ve been in the Technology game for the better part of the last 15 years in some shape or another. I’m a Los Angeles native and some people might say I work way too much. They’re probably right. About ten years ago, I was…
My Role: Sean Tierney
Following our CEO’s lead in this series of introducing ourselves and explaining a bit more about our role in the company, I’ll go next… Sean Tierney Title: Director of Sales & Marketing At a high level, I’m tasked with providing customer service to prospects before they become customers. My two responsibilities to the company are…
My Role: Joshua Strebel
As companies grow and evolve, the roles we take as employees change. Typically from wearing many hats inside a small company to more specialized areas of focus in more mature companies. This is a new blog series we are doing at Pagely, where we asked a handful of our team to share how they see…