Category: Uncategorized
Cold Email Overview from the Founder of LeadFuze
Today we have a guest post from a friend and fellow AZ startup, Justin McGill of LeadFuze. I originally met Justin via a local growth hacking meetup group and was hugely impressed with his grasp of lead generation and the platform he’s built to enable it specifically via cold outbound emails. Justin has a wealth…
Popular A/B Testing Tools for WordPress
Chances are, your website has a clearly defined objective — attracting new customers, selling a service or maybe growing your email list. If that’s the case, it makes sense that you’d want to achieve the best results possible, right? What if someone told you that by making a few changes to your website could increase…
The Pagely Content Marketing Process Part Three: Publishing, Promoting & Analyzing
If you haven’t already read Part I and Part II of this series. The third step in our content marketing process is arguably the most important. It’s one thing to create content, but without a systematic process to distribute, promote it and attract readers, it’s a “tree falls in the woods” scenario. If you’re looking…
The Pagely Content Marketing Process Part One: Organization, Ideation and Research
In theory, maintaining a corporate blog seems like it would be a straightforward proposition. To the uninitiated, writing and publishing a few posts per month does not seem out of reach. It’s not as easy as it looks though. If you’re struggling to create, publish and promote content on a consistent basis, it’s likely because…
Landing Page Tools Comparison for WordPress Users
If you’re selling a product or service, landing pages should play a key role in your online strategy — there is really no better way to attract leads or effectively convey your offer. A typical landing page has a conversion rate of 2.35%, but over one-quarter convert at a rate of less than 1%. Even…
How Thrive Leads Can Help You Improve Your Lifecycle Marketing
Not too long ago we published an article that covered the basics of lifecycle marketing. Understanding the different lifecycle stages is a great first step in the process of developing your sales funnel. Once you understand the stages, there still exists the challenge of creating a message that is appropriate for each phase of the…
3 Tips For A Successful Membership Site
What follows is a guest vlog post from our friend Anthony at True Productions. Anthony has built many a successful membership site and is an authority on using video effectively and incorporating lessons of lifecycle marketing to move prospects through a funnel. In this video post, Anthony teaches three key lessons you can apply to…
You Are an Expert in Something: Create a Profitable Online Course with WordPress
As we all know, WordPress was initially conceived as a blogging platform, allowing users to easily share thoughts and ideas on the web. Although it has evolved into a very extendable CMS with vast capabilities which developers now use to create some of the most highly visited sites in the world, many WordPress users are…
How To Do An SEO Audit For Your WordPress Site
You know SEO is important to the success of your WordPress website, but when’s the last time you looked under the hood to evaluate your SEO performance? In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the tools, steps and questions to conduct your own WordPress SEO audit. By evaluating the most important factors that impact…
Rapid deploy of VPS in any region
We have received two primary types of feedback from our VPS and Enterprise WordPress Hosting customers over the last 2 years. The first being some form of “ZOMG this thing is fast!” and the other being “Why do I have to wait 2 days for my VPS?” Regarding the first: You are welcome. Regarding the…