Category: Uncategorized

  • HTTPoxy and WordPress.

    The vulnerability d’jour this week was named HTTPoxy, an applicable pun on pox and proxy. We have patched our servers for this already, and are here to take a few extra steps to help explain the vulnerability and hopefully spread a little knowledge. The first part of this post will explain how the HTTPoxy vulnerability…

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  • How To Create A Child Theme

    One of WordPress’ great advantages over other, non-open source CMS’ is the ability to edit any line of code. If you use a theme that doesn’t do exactly what you want, you can dig into the code and customize it. The issue, though, is that when the author publishes a theme update that includes a…

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  • Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress: A Primer on Google AMP

    Google’s obsession with speed should come as no surprise. All the way back in 2010 they put everyone on notice that site speed was going to become an important ranking signal in Google’s algorithm. Since then, we’ve all been looking for little ways to improve how quickly our website loads in an attempt to keep…

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  • Act 3: In which we go from good to great.

    At Pagely it is about people, not numbers. We don’t make announcements of recent VC, nor posts touting our revenues and always offer an opaque answer when we are asked how many employees or clients we have or revenue earned. We measure all these things, but we focus on the people we serve and the…

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  • One Rogue Plugin: A noncanonical Star Wars and WordPress security story.

    Over the last week the news has been littered with stories about data leaks. From one of the biggest data leaks in history, the Panama Papers* to a movie that tells the story about a data leak a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away! “Rogue One” coming out in late 2016. Star…

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  • Facebook Instant Articles: Everything You Need to Know

    A couple of weeks ago, the social media giant Facebook announced that it will soon be opening up the Facebook Instant Articles program to publishers of all sizes around the world. This means that now anyone with a website and a Facebook page will be able to take advantage of this new handy feature to…

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  • Cold Email Overview from the Founder of LeadFuze

    Today we have a guest post from a friend and fellow AZ startup, Justin McGill of LeadFuze. I originally met Justin via a local growth hacking meetup group and was hugely impressed with his grasp of lead generation and the platform he’s built to enable it specifically via cold outbound emails. Justin has a wealth…

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  • The Pagely Content Marketing Process Part Three: Publishing, Promoting & Analyzing

    If you haven’t already read Part I and Part II of this series. The third step in our content marketing process is arguably the most important. It’s one thing to create content, but without a systematic process to distribute, promote it and attract readers, it’s a “tree falls in the woods” scenario. If you’re looking…

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  • The Pagely Content Marketing Process Part One: Organization, Ideation and Research

    In theory, maintaining a corporate blog seems like it would be a straightforward proposition. To the uninitiated, writing and publishing a few posts per month does not seem out of reach. It’s not as easy as it looks though. If you’re struggling to create, publish and promote content on a consistent basis, it’s likely because…

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  • Landing Page Tools Comparison for WordPress Users

    If you’re selling a product or service, landing pages should play a key role in your online strategy — there is really no better way to attract leads or effectively convey your offer. A typical landing page has a conversion rate of 2.35%, but over one-quarter convert at a rate of less than 1%. Even…

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