WordPress Security Updates: September 2021

This article covers our public notifications related to major security issues our clients and the WordPress community should know about. We are always focused on prevention and the mitigation of risk to our clients, and keeping you updated here is part of that process.

List of Vulnerable Plugins, September 2021

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Plugins Removed From WordPress Repository

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As of this writing, the plugins on this list have been removed, suspended from the WordPress repository or there’s no fix for the vulnerability reported. WordPress security team decides to close a plugin when a security issue is found and the developer doesn’t release a patch in a timely manner. You can read more about this here.

If you are using one or more of the above plugins we recommend deactivating them until the developer releases a patch for the mentioned vulnerability or consider a more reliable alternative. It is possible that the plugin may be reintroduced at a later time. Pagely does not control the official WordPress Plugin Repository and we’re simply reporting on the latest events.

Relevant Vulnerabilities

This month none of the vulnerabilities mentioned above caused massive infections or any important damage to our customers thanks to the nature of the vulnerabilities and the fast reaction of our team.

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