Enterprise Hosting
Developer Pricing

We provide durable Managed WordPress Hosting for mission critical sites. Featuring tierless support, managed DevOps, and a very flexible tech stack. Pagely is the ultimate hosting solution for your businesses.

Developer 1

Essential tools for your development.


$100 / per month

Get Started

What you will get

  • 5 WordPress Sites Allowed
  • 1 Day Set Up
  • Ticket + Chat
  • 30 GB SSD Storage
  • 20 GB Bandwidth
  • 150 GB PressCDN™
  • 150 GB PressCache™

Developer 2

More power for your projects.


$199 / per month

Get Started

What you will get

  • 15 WordPress Sites Allowed
  • 1 Day Set Up
  • Ticket + Chat
  • 30 GB SSD Storage
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • 350 GB PressCDN™
  • 150 GB PressCache™
crate and barrel logo
university of florida

Make the most out of your WordPress hosting with this special pricing for our Developer Plans

Get Started with Pagely Today!

Get Started

Developer Pricing

Choose the plan that empowers your Business.

Developer 1

$199 $99 / per month

Get Started

Developer 2

$299 $199 / per month

Get Started

Max Sites
# WordPress Sites Allowed



Setup Time
Automated vs. Custom

1 Day

1 Day

Support Channels
No upsells, just experts

Ticket + Chat

Ticket + Chat

Relative # PHP7 Workers
Higher Plan = More Capacity



Custom Cache Engine
Cache All the Things



Who Would Charge For This?

Always Free

Always Free

SSDs Level Up

30 GB

30 GB

Everyone Uses It

20 GB

50 GB

Included Global CDN for WordPress

Advanced Platform Security

Dynamic Image Resizing/Optimization

WordPress specific Web Application Gateway

ElasticSearch Support
For use with ElasticPress

Powered by Amazon
The World Leader

Automatic WP Upgrades
Managed Core/Plugin Updates

Automated Backups to S3
14 day retention

Expert WordPress Support
No Upsells. Just Genuine Help.

Faster SSL

SSL – Let’s Encrypt
https://All the Things

Dedicated IPs

WordPress Multisite
Build Your Empire

Staging Sites
Our CLI Sync Tool

Private DB Instance(s)
MySQL, MariaDB, or Aurora

Hello Developers

Gearman Support
For use with WP-Minions

WP Devs Rejoice

SSH Access
Vim or Emacs, You Decide.

DB Access
SELECT * FROM wp_posts;

The Advantage of Managed WordPress Hosting

There are some fundamental benefits only managed WordPress hosts can deliver.

1. High Availability and Uptime


Website availability and server uptime are essential for online businesses. Downtime can lead to lost revenue, tarnish your brand’s reputation, and lower your site’s search engine visibility. While web hosts often promise 99% uptime, actual performance may vary.


High traffic to a WordPress site can strain server resources due to its dynamic functionality. An optimized WordPress host utilizes intelligent caching and robust database solutions to keep your site functional and responsive during peak times.


At Pagely, we offer dual-layer uptime monitoring to maintain high availability. Our support team promptly addresses any potential downtime triggers. By proactively resolving issues, we prevent disruptions, setting us apart as a top hosting provider. We proactively monitor resource usage and send notifications when limits are nearing. Our system checks sites post-updates to ensure they are functioning properly.

2. Expert Support


A hosting company without WordPress specialization may struggle with resolving WordPress-specific issues efficiently. Opting for Managed WordPress Hosting ensures immediate assistance from experts with the necessary experience. 


Quality WordPress technical support is crucial. Seek a host with dedicated and skilled engineers who can effectively troubleshoot complex issues. Visit the company’s About Us page to learn more about their support team.


At Pagely, our Support team comprises experienced engineers who can effectively assist you with site management and problem resolution right from the start.

3. A Modern High-Performance Hosting Stack


Our Managed WordPress Hosting company uses cutting-edge technology to create an optimized hosting environment tailored for WordPress. With a focus on testing and fine-tuning, we ensure that our hardware and software meet the specific needs of WordPress websites.


Our Managed WordPress Hosting is optimized for WordPress with cutting-edge technology. Built on AWS, offering nearly infinite server resources and a vast ecosystem of cloud hosting services. This allows us to support and scale WordPress applications without constraints, ensuring hardware is never a limiting factor. With access to AWS’s 13 global data centers, customers can handle massive amounts of web traffic without sacrificing performance.


We leverage cutting-edge technologies such as PHP8, HTTP/2, and free SSL certificates, along with our proprietary NGINX/OpenResty HyperProxies and Redis to enhance WordPress performance. Our suite of in-house services sets a high standard for hosting environments. 


    • PressDNS: Premium DNS powered with Amazon’s route 53 service that takes advantage of geo-balancing and geo-routing
    • PressCACHE: A global WordPress acceleration system that works much like a CDN, but is specifically designed to cache and serve WordPress page output
    • PressARMOR: Pagely’s security architecture, including a web application firewall, malware scanning, chroot user separation, and network edge rulesets
    • PressTHUMB: On-demand image optimization and thumbnail creation

    PressFORMANCE: Performance monitoring analytics and assessments

4. Automatic Updates


Managed WordPress Hosting simplifies updating WordPress and plugins, essential for site security, performance, and compatibility.


A quality WordPress host will handle WordPress updates and monitor their impact on your site through automated tests. If an issue arises, updates can be rolled back to restore site function.

5. WordPress Specific Security


Shared hosting may leave your website vulnerable to cyber attacks and malware. Managed WordPress Hosting offers a more secure option with routine software updates and specialized security features to protect against hackers and malware. Choosing a managed WordPress host means your site will receive regular security checks and prompt malware removal.


To enhance security, your host should implement a dynamic WAF to block code injection attacks, known exploits, and limit access attempts. Additionally, real-time malware scanning of every WordPress installation should be conducted to detect trojans, viruses, worms, and other threats.


In the event that security defenses fail, your host should have a daily backup of your site to restore from. These automatic backups become invaluable should your site become compromised.

6. Premium DNS


The Domain Name System (DNS) is, essentially, the phone book of the internet. When you enter a domain name like pagely.com into a web browser, the browser uses DNS to translate the domain name into an Internet Protocol (IP) address, which tells the browser where to get the desired webpage.


Investing in a premium DNS provider is crucial to ensure your domain names stay online. Unlike standard hosting packages, premium DNS, like Amazon’s Route53 service, offers faster DNS query responses and enhanced availability through redundant infrastructure.

7. Developer-Friendly Tool 


With Managed WordPress Hosting we offer advanced developer tools like SSH, staging, GIT, and WP-CLI, along with essentials such as SFTP, database access, and error/access logs. It also supports custom PHP extensions like New Relic and provides system crontab access.


The ability to quickly clone your live site and test your changes is hugely beneficial so you can also push updates back to your production site using your own workflows.

8 Scalability


WordPress scalability is crucial for online businesses to handle sudden traffic increases effectively. A surge in pageviews due to factors like celebrity endorsements requires a hosting platform that can accommodate the additional database requests. WordPress is highly scalable when the hosting configuration is optimized for high traffic demands.


As your business grows and your site gains more traction, you’ll require additional website resources to keep things running smoothly as any unexpected downtime could lead to lost sales and damage to your brand reputation.


We recommend choosing a host who has built its hosting stack and solutions-oriented services specifically to address the complex scaling, security, and performance needs of the world’s biggest brands.

9. Fast Page Loads Around The World


Small businesses using shared hosting typically use caching plugins and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to optimize page speed. 


For example, PressCACHE technology is a global WordPress acceleration system. It works much like a CDN, but was designed specifically for WordPress page output. It handles the server-level caching of your site content to speed up the delivery of your pages. All you need to do is turn it on, then sit back and enjoy the speed.


PressCACHE is also responsible for globally serving your content from one of Amazon’s data centers in the United States, Asia, and Europe. It routes the requests for your website to the global Point of Presence (PoPs) servers closest to the user. This shortens the distance between visitors and your website, speeding the load time of your site to a global audience.

Choose the Best Plan for Your Site

Discover the flexibility and power of our managed WordPress hosting solutions.

View All Plans

The Pagely Stack

Robust Built for Demanding Websites



Global WordPress CDN

Advanced Network Security

Security Analytics

Performance Analytics

Powered by Amazon

Ticket & Live Chat Support

Staging + Sync

SSL Management

Redis Cache Engine

HTTP/2 + PHP8.x

Managed Core & Plugin Upgrades

Git & SVN Version Control

WP-CLI Command Line Tools

SSH +DB Access


Pagely delivers seamless website management with exceptional performance and support.

Alice Oh

Alice Oh

Website Manager – NGINX

Knowing that the Pagely team is there for us 24/7 has been invaluable, not to mention the reliability and visibility they provide. These have been extremely important factors in helping us meet our marketing needs for NGINX.com.

Alice Oh
Ozzy Rodriguez

Ozzy Rodriguez

Co-founder – Cipher

I thought it was impossible to find a host who cared as much about their clients as I do; then I worked with Pagely and I was proven wrong. They’re proactive, instead of reactive like other hosts, which is a big reason why I recommend them to anyone whose site is mission critical to their business.

Ozzy Rodriguez
Stephen Watts

Stephen Watts

Web Strategist – BMC

We migrated our blog and a couple of our other WordPress-based pages over to Pagely on a trial basis, but it quickly became clear that they had all of the capabilities we needed, as well as friendly staff who are extremely responsive on support tickets. As long as we have WordPress sites, we’ll be using Pagely.

Stephen Watts

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Let us know what questions you have. We’ll set up a complimentary consultation to discuss how Pagely can bring your website to the next level.