Custom service man, customer service.

A recent tweet caused me to think about why people love Pagely. (Yes, I did use the “L” word.)

Sure, Pagely’s WordPress Hosting makes it dead simple for customers to get started with their own WP powered site, but so do other companies.

My take? Great customer service sets Pagely apart.

Tweets in the twittersphere suggest that customer service is the key. Pagely’s mantra is Integrity, Communication, Transparency. Now, I know what you are saying. Mantra’s are cheesy – companies rarely live up to them. But Pagely is different.


Pagely regularly provides service updates on both the @Pagely twitter feed and blog. On Twitter, Pagely co-founder @Strebel is a mind-bogglingly active communicator, providing customer support and advice.
Pagely Support Team members Shayne Sanderson (“El Vaquero Furioso” Support), Bernardo el Panadero, and El Mecánico del Robot are known for their quick response to customer tickets submitted via the Pagely Client Support Desk. Pagely’s support site also has a number of helpful customer FAQ’s.


How many other companies take the time to thoroughly explain a service outage before, during, and after a disruption?


If something doesn’t go right, Pagely owns up to it. Even “puffy” customers benefit, and so will you.

Let the love fest continue.


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