Category: Marketing

  • Featured Image - 5 Fast-Track Ways to Optimize WordPress Blogs for Search

    5 Fast-Track Ways to Optimize WordPress Blogs for Search

    As a blog owner, it’s important to keep your blog in tip top shape. That means you should be conducting routine tests to optimize your blog for search visibility. As search engine algorithms change, it’s essential to optimize WordPress to keep your blog searchable. Besides, what’s the point of writing all that amazing content if…

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  • Featured Image - Lifecycle Marketing Strategy Explained

    Lifecycle Marketing Strategy Explained

    You probably spend a tremendous amount of time building and optimizing sales funnels for your business. And as long as you’re putting in the work, most funnels, even poorly constructed ones, will generate leads and sales. Build, test, optimize and repeat. The cycle never ends. What if changing just one aspect of your sales process…

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  • Featured Image - Google Tag Manager for WordPress_ 6 Killer Reasons to Start Using It

    Google Tag Manager for WordPress: 6 Killer Reasons to Start Using It

    If you’re looking for a better way to add and manage third party tags and scripts on your WordPress website, then the free Google Tag Manager service could be just what you are looking for. Google Tag Manager supports a plethora of tags including those from Google’s own services. Whether you’re adding Google AdWords or…

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  • Featured Image - WordPress Marketing Fails What You’re Doing Wrong with Your Blog

    WordPress Marketing Fails: What You’re Doing Wrong with Your Blog

    You’re steadily publishing content on your business blog that you think is pretty great, and yet, no one other than your mom seems to be reading your articles. What gives? If you’re not seeing the traffic you think you ought to on your blog, there’s a good chance you’re making a few of the following…

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  • A Guide to Remarketing for Higher Ed

    Introduction to Remarketing for Colleges and Universities “We all know the drill: Prospective students spend months painstakingly deliberating over which college they want to go to, visiting the websites of potential schools, and weighing up the pros and cons. For prospective students, college websites are a fantastic resource packed with information about everything from course…

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  • The CMO’s Guide for Marketing Challenges

    Today, Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) face a multitude of obstacles. From navigating digital transformation to measuring return on investment (ROI) and maintaining brand consistency, the pressure to succeed is immense. In a recent article by ROI Amplified titled “2024 CMO MARKETING CHALLENGES TO PREPARE FOR“, it was emphasized that CMOs must embrace digital transformation, invest…

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  • Lead Generation Campaigns: As Told by 19 Top Agencies & Makers

    Do you know where your last lead came from? While the basics of lead generation remain the same, new technology and methodologies are changing the way agencies gather leads for their clients and forcing them to assess their own lead generation strategies. With the market saturated, marketers are doubling their efforts at measuring the success…

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  • A Guide to Using Lead Magnets

    Having a solid business model and offering isn’t always enough to convert visitors on their first, second, or even third visit to your website. But how do you ensure that a visitor will return to your site and go from being a random window shopper to becoming a customer? You could cross your fingers and…

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  • Boost Customers’ Post Holiday Spending with Your WordPress Site

    Between November 1 and December 31 of 2017, e-commerce businesses racked up a total of $108.15 billion in sales, according to Adobe.   2018’s holiday season sales are estimated to reach $124.1 billion, which is an impressive leap and one that’s sure to delight e-commerce companies everywhere. Smart targeting of the 4 different kinds of…

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  • Is Predictive Analytics the Key to Surviving Traffic Surges and Downtime?

    It’s well known that analytics tell a story about what happened to your website. For example, your monthly Google Analytics report says you had X amount of visitors last month and some number of them returned to the site regularly. You also know things like popular referral sources for traffic and a variety of demographic…

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