Category: Uncategorized

  • 8 Essential Apps for Staying Organized as a Remote Worker

    The traditional workplace is at a crossroads. Between commuting costs, traffic, office equipment and other overhead expenses it comes as no surprise that over 3.7 million employees in the US ditched their desks in search of a more flexible lifestyle through remote work. Remote workers quickly learn that productivity is usually at its peak when…

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  • How to Fix Common WordPress Formatting Issues

    Not everyone wants to draft posts directly on WordPress’s built-in WYSIWYG editor, or Gutenberg, if you’re a bit ahead of the times. A lot of content is created off the WordPress content management platform, using popular tools that include Google Docs and Microsoft Word. Today we’re going to show you how to avoid and fix…

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  • Tech Trends Shaping Enterprise: AR & VR

    Companies and entrepreneurs who anticipate major technological changes are the ones who reap the rewards of being forward thinkers. Apple and Microsoft were the first to see the opportunities the PC would bring and hence dominated the field. Years later, Google and Apple bet on the smartphone’s potential and are still unbeatable in that sector.…

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  • Reboot-Be-Gone with KernelCare & Pagely

    Long gone are the days of reboots on Pagely servers due to security related kernel updates. Pagely has been working since the beginning of the year to get our servers upgraded to the latest technologies, including a partnership with KernelCare which allows us to provide rebootless upgrades to the Linux kernel running on all of…

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  • 8 Best Alternatives to Gutenberg Editor for WordPress

    We all know what a critical role content plays in getting people to notice your website. Now, with news of the Gutenberg Editor, it’s more important than ever to make sure the content you’re producing is presented well on your WordPress blog. Given the importance of the editor you use for your content, we will…

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  • Higher Ed Technology Solutions to Implement Before Next Semester

    With each successive matriculating class, colleges and universities find themselves serving a population with greater exposure to and connection with technology. This increased technological curve delivers students with a greater expectation of what technology means in their daily lives, both personally, and educationally which means schools need to stay ahead of technology solutions before the…

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  • What the Facebook Paywall Means for Publishers

    Has anyone ever said, “As a publisher in a content-driven landscape, you are responsible for producing unique content every day,” and you scratched your head at the amount of resources it would take to craft something meaningful on a daily basis? Creating original content for your site can be exhausting if you don’t have the…

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  • 3 Mental Models to Use Right Now to Improve Your Work

    Without realizing it, we all use mental models. When you’re thinking of product/market fit, you’re using one. When you believe in the value of money, you’re using one. When you’re avoiding a mental bias by logically thinking through a problem, you’re using one. In its widest definition, any theory that helps you understand something is…

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  • Facebook News Feed Algorithm Now Favors Fast Loading Websites

    As they announced earlier today, the Facebook News Feed algorithm will now favor posts that link through to fast-loading websites with an update coming in the next few months. With “as many as 40% of website visitors abandon a site after three seconds of delay,” Facebook has decided to make the change to continue serving…

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  • Why Your Enterprise Needs An Internet of Things Platform

    Today, tens of thousands of enterprises are using Internet of Things platforms to streamline operations, automate processes, reduce costs associated with regulatory compliance and to provide enhanced services to attract and retain new customers. There are hundreds of IoT platform providers today that specialize in niche industries or target a broad range of industries with…

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