Category: WordPress for Business

  • Customer Happiness in the Age of Automation

    To never disappoint your customers might be impossible, but it’s a goal well worth pursuing in my book. Lapses will inevitably set you back, but the real fault is to leave the customer at a loss when things go south. At Pagely, customer happiness starts with getting the basics right. That means zero robots sending…

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  • Extreme Ownership Principles in Practice

    I recently finished reading a book called Extreme Ownership. It’s a business book by two Navy SEALs who led the most highly-decorated combat units in the Iraq War in which they share key battlefield lessons, distill them into core principles and map them to specific business scenarios to show how they apply in the boardroom.…

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  • Managed WordPress Hosting is 7 years old.

    7 years ago this month, Pagely launched as a service that aimed to smooth and eliminate some of the technical hurdles of launching and hosting a WordPress powered site. It was a brand new category at the time, and now Managed WordPress Hosting is a ubiquitous channel within the broader Hosting industry. Estimates paint just…

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  • Productivity Hacks with RescueTime

    Even the most productive workers fall victim to procrastination, and while the occasional visit to Facebook may not cause you to miss a deadline, you could find those lost minutes adding up to a lot of wasted time. Since entrepreneurs and business owners know that time is money, squandering your work hours can mean less…

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  • The Art of Capturing and Utilizing Net Promoter Score Data

    Introduced in 2003 by management consulting firm Bain & Company, NPS stands for Net Promoter Score — a method for measuring the loyalty of each individual customer and gathering valuable feedback. If you are struggling to find a simple method for measuring the overall happiness and loyalty of your customers, the NPS may be just…

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  • Create Not Solutions But Systems That Solve

    There was a brilliant computer game back in the day for Apple ][+ called “Robot Odyssey.” It was my first exposure to programming and the notion that instead of solving puzzles, you could build robots to solve puzzles on your behalf (and you could even build robots to build robots… 10-year-old mind blown…). This became…

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  • Managed WordPress Hosting Reviews Roundup | Review of Pagely Reviews

    One of the most challenging aspects of choosing a managed WordPress hosting company can be culling through all the different conflicting reviews out there and trying to make sense of all the tests and claims. There are a number of sites out there that are purely in the game of driving traffic via SEO tricks,…

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  • Popular A/B Testing Tools for WordPress

    Chances are, your website has a clearly defined objective — attracting new customers, selling a service or maybe growing your email list. If that’s the case, it makes sense that you’d want to achieve the best results possible, right? What if someone told you that by making a few changes to your website could increase…

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  • Retargeting 101: An Introduction to Retargeting Basics

    Attracting new visitors to your website is never an easy process. Whether you’re creating and promoting content in search or running paid ad campaigns for qualified leads — it’s a lot of work. It only makes sense that when a visitor lands on your website, you want to do everything in your power to convert…

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  • The Pagely Content Marketing Process Part Three: Publishing, Promoting & Analyzing

    If you haven’t already read Part I and Part II of this series. The third step in our content marketing process is arguably the most important. It’s one thing to create content, but without a systematic process to distribute, promote it and attract readers, it’s a “tree falls in the woods” scenario. If you’re looking…

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