Category: Uncategorized
My Role: Sean Tierney
Following our CEO’s lead in this series of introducing ourselves and explaining a bit more about our role in the company, I’ll go next… Sean Tierney Title: Director of Sales & Marketing At a high level, I’m tasked with providing customer service to prospects before they become customers. My two responsibilities to the company are…
Generating B2B Leads with Inbound Marketing and WordPress
You put a lot of energy into creating content for your blog. It’s understandable that you would want it to pay off in terms of generating leads for your B2B company. And yet, simply having great blog content isn’t going to move the needle in terms of converting the people who visit your blog into…
My Role: Joshua Strebel
As companies grow and evolve, the roles we take as employees change. Typically from wearing many hats inside a small company to more specialized areas of focus in more mature companies. This is a new blog series we are doing at Pagely, where we asked a handful of our team to share how they see…
‘WHA’ Forms to Battle WordPress Plugin Hoarding
When retired physicist Fred Lipschultz was asked about his inclination to hoard, he said, “I call it rubble without a cause.” More seriously, he continued, “It does pain me to throw away something that’s useful.” Is that really a problem? To hold onto something that could be of use at a later point in time?…
Pagely – 2016 in Review
As we come to the end of another year, it is common to take a look back in review. What worked? What didn’t? Did we hit our goals and how does that inform our mission planning for 2017? Let’s set the stage: 2016 was a transition year for us. Beginning in late 2015 we…
The Best Project Management Tools for WordPress
As you build your online business using WordPress, it’s likely you’ll find that organization is one of the more important things you can do to nurture your success (that is, after selecting a secure web host.) Have you ever forgotten the location of a project you were just working on earlier that day? Or have…
A Look at Pagely’s New Account Management Features
The Pagely dev team is continually working to improve our Managed WordPress Hosting features, and as 2016 comes to a close, we have some notable announcements. First up are a few enhancements to the way user permissions and account management are handled within Atomic, the Pagely hosting control panel. Clients can now employ a single…
The Top 10 Anticipated Digital Marketing Events of 2017
2016 was a monumental year for digital marketing, with the rise of live streaming video, native advertising, and the increased use of personalization. Rather than focusing too heavily on mastering these trends, now is the time to look to what’s ahead. Whether you’re a marketer for a company, work at an agency, or an entrepreneur,…
Tracking WP PHP Object Injection Attackers in November
Over the past month or so I have been monitoring the activity of a series of attacks against our hosting customers which had one common vector: insecure WordPress plugins which exposed PHP objects to potential injection. Only a very small number of our customers were affected and with every compromised instance we work with our…