Category: Uncategorized
Brad Williams – WP Heavy Hitter
In this edition of our WordPress Heavy Hitters series we are proud to feature Brad Williams. In addition to his uber awesome WordPress skills and list of impressive clients, he also has formed a team that is rock solid. We are honored to call Brad a friend and share some of his story with you.…
Lisa Sabin-Wilson – WP Heavy Hitter
Here is another entry in our WP Heavy Hitters series that showcases the talent in the vibrant WordPress community. Lisa Sabin-Wilson has her hands in many WordPress cookie jars. She’s an author, designer, and WordCamp Organizer to name a few. She utilizes her past work experiences to deliver a service that is true to herself…
Joost De Valk- WP Heavy Hitter
This is another entry in our WP Heavy Hitters series that showcases the talent in the vibrant WordPress community. Joost De Valk hails from that cool place formerly known has Holland. He has been very active in the WP community for several years and has contributed many of the popular plugins you know and love.…
Andrea Rennick – WP Heavy Hitter
This is another entry in our WP Heavy Hitters series that showcases the talent in the vibrant WordPress community. Who said programming is just for guys? Andrea is an expert in WordPress and specifically the multi user variety with skills that put most guys to shame. Andrea Rennick Tag line: Roflcopters ahoy! Knock Outs: WordPress…
John James Jacoby – WP Heavy Hitters
This is one of the first of many posts in which we will be profiling the heavy hitters of the WordPress community. Who are the people behind your favorite plugins and themes? What makes them tick? Why are they awesome? And what sort of things are they working on for the future? Inquiring minds want…
Understanding Spam- The Start, The Collection, The Removal
For many, the topic of spam may be well known and this article will serve as a review. However, whether you are new to spam or a spam veteran, I hope to supply some valuable information nuggets. Please feel free to contribute to the good of the conversation in the comment section. Spam is unsolicited…
Launched: Pagely – Better Websites, Fast
We are happy to announce the launch of our managed WordPress hosting service, Pagely. It took us about 60 days to put this service together, and we feel privileged to say that within minutes of launching, paid customer began utilizing the service. What’s the skinny? Pagely is a service that automates the configuration and installation…