Category: Pagely Updates
Nine Years of Managed WordPress
A look back – and forward. We launched Pagely in August 2009. Now, nine years later, Managed WordPress Hosting is a multi-billion-dollar channel. I’m not sure even we saw that coming back then. The channel grew slowly at first, then quickly took off to become saturated with providers of all stripes. Managed WordPress is now…
The 2018 Pagely Scholarship Recipients
At Pagely, we strongly believe in higher education as a vehicle to improve and enrich individual lives, as well as our shared communities. To that end, we created the Pagely Scholarship earlier this year to reward the students that inspire us with their story and life goals. The 2018 Pagely Scholarship Recipients 1st – $1,500…
Introducing PressThumb at Pagely
PressThumb has been an off the menu speciality item for the past year or so, and in that time we’ve put it to the test for the whole range of use cases and scale. From a convenient and free add-on to your existing VPS, to full scale dedicated infrastructure processing countless requests per minute, it’s…
Fresh updates to Pagely’s Atomic Beta
If you have been following along you’ll know we have been busy here at Pagely crafting a new control panel for our customers. In the most recent release: A basic first pass at PressFormance analytics graphs are in. These will show you vCPU usage on your nodes as well as V-Burst credits if you’re on…
Atomic Beta Release for 4/5/2018. New User SignUp and SSH key management.
We set an aggressive schedule for new product/features in 2018. We fell a bit behind this month as we actually re-prioritized and added a few new items into the queue – however – always be shipping. RELEASE NOTES FOR 2018.4.5 New user signup has been added to the new Atomic app. The beta version of…
Pagely Launches Keith AI: The WordPress Answering Machine
While the Pagely team usually avoids jumping on trends just for the sake of staying trendy, we’re throwing caution to the wind and going all in on AI (Artificial Intelligence.) Side note: This choice beat out several other ideas, including a WordPress Cryptocurrency called ‘PressCoin,’ which we forked into our AI project. Two-fer. Meet Keith,…
Get to know ARES – an Application Gateway for WordPress
We spent most of 2017 developing a new web application gateway to better serve the tens of billions of requests to Pagely hosted WordPress sites. There’s been a lot of talk on our blog about new features and releases for 2018 so here we’d like to share a few details about how it works, the…
Reboot-Be-Gone with KernelCare & Pagely
Long gone are the days of reboots on Pagely servers due to security related kernel updates. Pagely has been working since the beginning of the year to get our servers upgraded to the latest technologies, including a partnership with KernelCare which allows us to provide rebootless upgrades to the Linux kernel running on all of…
Platform Updates
March 7, 2017 All shared sites are now on our updated platform, and can switch between PHP 5.6 and PHP 7 from within Atomic We’re currently more than halfway through the VPS rebuilds New rebuilds being scheduled every week Average cut-over time is 4 min 32 seconds for VPS January 12, 2017 The great thing…
El Pollo Diablo has arrived. Custom enterprise WordPress hosting.
Editor’s Note: This post is from our archives, and not all content is still relevant. For a fresh look at our company & tech, we recommend these sections: Our Managed WordPress Hosting Service Articles on WordPress for Business Industry-specific Hosting Solutions Well we fib a little bit: El Pollo Diablo has been around for some…