Rapid deploy of VPS in any region

We have received two primary types of feedback from our VPS and Enterprise WordPress Hosting customers over the last 2 years. The first being some form of “ZOMG this thing is fast!” and the other being “Why do I have to wait 2 days for my VPS?

Regarding the first: You are welcome.

Regarding the second point: We know it is frustrating, so we did something about it.

Deploy Pagely VPS hosting in any of our 9 regions, instantly.

We started by re-factoring our onboarding process a bit by asking customers of our higher end plans to select the region they preferred their VPS to be deployed to. We have broken the regions up into two tiers with Tier2 regions having a small surcharge added based on plan type. Amazon charges more for instances and bandwidth in these regions, so we simply pass these costs on.

After selecting your desired region and completing payment, your VPS is spun up, sized, and bootstrapped within a moment or two. We have compressed time from 2-3 days to 2-3 minutes. Hurrah!

The rapid deploy is in final QA testing and will be rolled out to everyone in the next week or so.

An added feature is that now most customer data stays in that selected region as well. Example: Singapore nodes backup to Singapore s3 and web traffic is routed through the Singapore HyperProxy’s. No more hops back to Virginia in most cases. We’ll take this data privacy further in the future and deploy our Atomic customer portal app to other regions as well as allowing customers with international data privacy concerns to further contain their data within the specified zone.

Available Regions:

  • US East (N. Virginia)
  • US West (Oregon)
  • US West (N. California)
  • EU (Ireland)
  • EU (Frankfurt)
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • South America (Sao Paulo)

More coming soon

This region deployment was the most challenging part of a larger equation. We still have some work do to yet that involves self-serve SSH public key deployment, git repo automation, self-serve maintenance window selection and self-serve SSL cert provisioning. These are all in various stages of completion but are expected by year’s end.

UI Test for Self-Serve SSL



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