Category: Uncategorized
Easily Unpublish WordPress Posts with the Archived Post Status Plugin
Have you ever wanted to ‘unpublish’ WordPress posts on your blog, without having to take the drastic step of trashing or deleting those posts and pages? If so then your first port of call may well have been to look for a post status that would provide you with a simple solution for doing so.…
Diagnose Slow Pages with these Tools and Techniques
On Tuesday, we posted an article that discussed the importance of monitoring and identifying speed bottlenecks on your web site using Google’s Pagespeed Insights Plugin. We touched on several reasons why you should consider your WordPress page load times to be a statistic worth monitoring, but in case you weren’t convinced, consider the following: In…
Identify Slow Pages with Google Pagespeed Insights for WordPress
There are many well-documented benefits of having a fast-loading website including higher rankings in the search engines, better goal conversion rates and more return visits. Conversely, a website that loads slowly can cost you visitors and revenue due to diminished rank in search engine results pages and a higher rate of abandonment from those visitors…
We benchmarked Amazon’s new Aurora database for use with WordPress. Results within.
As an Amazon advanced technology partner we get a first look at Amazon’s new products and tools. At last year’s RE:Invent Amazon announced a new database product called Aurora, which promised up to 5x performance gains on the same hardware AND would act as a drop-in replacement to MySQL. While we did see impressive gains…
Google Places Reviews: Display User Generated Reviews and Feedback on Your WordPress Website
If you want a free and easy way to display Google reviews on your WordPress website, then the aptly named Google Places Reviews plugin could be just what you are looking for. With this plugin installed on your website, you can automatically pull in reviews from the Google service and then choose where to display…
WP Job Manager: How to Easily Display Job Listings on Your WordPress Website
WP Job Manager is billed as a lightweight plugin for creating an online job board, or adding this type of functionality to an existing WordPress website. The core plugin is free to use and after installing it on your WordPress website, you can then begin publishing job listings on your website, as well as giving…
8 Questions with WebDevStudios Co-founder Brad Williams
Today we have another well-respected member of the WordPress community answering our questions. Step forward WebDevStudios CEO and co-founder, Brad Williams. You’ve probably heard of WebDevStudios already, right? They’re one of the best-known WordPress design and development companies, they’re heavily involved in the WordPress and BuddyPress core, and their team is behind some of the…
8 Questions with WP Mayor Founder Jean Galea
Welcome to another Pagely interview, and today we have the WP Mayor founder, Jean Galea, in the hot-seat. Jean is best known as the founder of the excellent WP Mayor resource. It’s one of the best places for WordPress tutorials, learning about the best plugins/themes, and also more general tips for aspiring webmasters. Jean also…
Add Tooltips to Your WordPress Posts and Pages with the Simple Tooltips Plugin
Tooltips are bubbles that are displayed on a website when the cursor moves over a particular element on the page. These tooltips are used to display more information about a specific item on your page. This could include explaining the meaning of a word or term, displaying more information about a link, or sharing information…
8 Questions with Pippin Williamson from Pippins Plugins
In this week’s edition of 8 Questions, Pagely was fortunate enough to interview one of the most talented WordPress plugin developers around, Pippin Williamson. For those of you unfamiliar with Pippin, where have you been? Pippin is best known as the founder of Pippins Plugins, but he can reel off a huge list of well-respected…