Category: Uncategorized
Get More Control Over YouTube Videos with YouTube Embed Plus
WordPress now makes it very easy to add YouTube videos to your posts and pages: simply paste the video URL into the Visual post editor and the video will be displayed. However, it is possible to do more with YouTube content, than just insert a single video. By using plugin like the free YouTube Embed…
Add Interactive Maps to WordPress with WP Google Map Plugin
If you want to make it easy for your visitors to find the location of your store, or other places of business, or you’d like to highlight places your visitors might find interesting, then embedding Google Maps into your WordPress website is the perfect solution. The free WP Google Map Plugin makes it easy to…
How to Automatically Break Up Long WordPress Posts Into Multiple Pages
If you ever publish long blog posts on your WordPress website, then you might want to consider breaking those posts up into smaller pieces. The benefits of doing this that it can make it easier for your visitors to digest your content, while also making it possible for anyone to link to the specific parts…
8 Questions with SIDEKICK’s Ben Fox
Today I was fortunate enough to interview another well-respected member of the WordPress community, Ben Fox. Ben is a serial WordPress entrepreneur, co-founding FlowPress, WP University, and If you’re looking to forge a career in WordPress for yourself, you should listen to what he has to say carefully. In this interview, Ben will talk…
Automatically Insert Content After Each WordPress Post or Page
Have you ever wanted to automatically display a piece of content, or specific page element at the of each blog post on your WordPress website? If so then the plugin we are going to be looking at today could be just what you are looking for. By installing the free Add Widget After Content plugin,…
8 Questions with Top WordPress Blogger Kevin Muldoon
Today we launch a new feature for the Pagely blog, with a series of interviews with some of the top members of the WordPress community. Our first interview is with top WordPress blogger, Kevin Muldoon. With a decade and a half’s experience in Internet marketing, Kevin certainly fits the bill. He’s ran many successful websites…
Choosing the Best Permalink Structure for WordPress
After first installing WordPress, it can be easy to get carried away with adding plugins and writing content. If you want to give yourself the best possible foundations for building a successful website, these things can wait. Before all that, you need to get your website properly configured. One of the first things I like…
Recipe Card: A Free WordPress Plugin for Publishing Professional Recipes
If you are starting a food blog, or you just want to share the occasional recipe with your readers, then installing a plugin that stylishly formats your recipe posts is a great idea. By installing a plugin built for this purpose, you can not only simplify the process of adding recipes to your website, but…
Resurrect Your Evergreen WordPress Content With The Revive Old Posts Plugin
For WordPress publishers and bloggers with large volumes of evergreen content, there’s a plugin that provides an automated way to promote those old blog posts on Facebook and Twitter (with more social media account options at the premium version level.) Revive Old Posts (formerly Tweet Old Post) is a free plugin that automatically sends out…