Category: WordPress Plugin and Theme Reviews

  • Setka Editor – A New Approach to Styling WordPress Content

    If you want to engage the readers on your site, you need to go beyond mere words on the page. Style and presentation matter, which is one reason for the explosion of page builders in the WordPress ecosystem. Setka Editor, the tool I’m reviewing today, is born from that same impetus – from the desire…

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  • Leaders in WordPress Series: Ben Pines and Elementor Page Builder

    Welcome to the first post in our Leaders in WordPress Series. In this series, we will feature individuals and products in the WordPress community who illustrate leadership and innovation. We’ll be talking about how they made their way in the WordPress space, how they’re making their own unique contributions and what they hope to do…

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  • The Best Plagiarism Checker Tools for WordPress and Beyond

    From famous cases of forgery to instances of accidental self-plagiarism, anyone can become a victim of content theft in one way or another. Anytime you publish original content online, you become vulnerable to the threat of being plagiarized. You also increase the risk of unknowingly plagiarizing someone else. To protect yourself and your brand from…

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  • ‘WHA’ Forms to Battle WordPress Plugin Hoarding

    When retired physicist Fred Lipschultz was asked about his inclination to hoard, he said, “I call it rubble without a cause.” More seriously, he continued, “It does pain me to throw away something that’s useful.” Is that really a problem? To hold onto something that could be of use at a later point in time?…

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  • The Best Project Management Tools for WordPress

    As you build your online business using WordPress, it’s likely you’ll find that organization is one of the more important things you can do to nurture your success (that is, after selecting a secure web host.) Have you ever forgotten the location of a project you were just working on earlier that day? Or have…

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  • Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress: A Primer on Google AMP

    Google’s obsession with speed should come as no surprise. All the way back in 2010 they put everyone on notice that site speed was going to become an important ranking signal in Google’s algorithm. Since then, we’ve all been looking for little ways to improve how quickly our website loads in an attempt to keep…

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  • Landing Page Tools Comparison for WordPress Users

    If you’re selling a product or service, landing pages should play a key role in your online strategy — there is really no better way to attract leads or effectively convey your offer. A typical landing page has a conversion rate of 2.35%, but over one-quarter convert at a rate of less than 1%. Even…

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  • BulkPress Plugin: Create WordPress Posts, Pages and Taxonomies in Bulk with Ease

    If you are in the process of or about to start building a large website with WordPress then the plugin we are looking at today could help save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to creating the structure of your site. By using the free BulkPress plugin, you can now create…

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  • WordPress Webinar Plugin Review: Google Hangouts FTW!

    Webinars have long been a valuable tool for communicating live with audiences large and small online. Whether you want to hold an interactive sales presentation; liaise with your clients, customers and users; or schedule a mastermind session with your peers, webinars are often the best option. However, until recently, running a webinar meant signing up…

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  • Easily Unpublish WordPress Posts with the Archived Post Status Plugin

    Have you ever wanted to ‘unpublish’ WordPress posts on your blog, without having to take the drastic step of trashing or deleting those posts and pages? If so then your first port of call may well have been to look for a post status that would provide you with a simple solution for doing so.…

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